School data are very important and should be kept discreet exclusively to those who are in the faculty and school administration as much as possible. This is to lessen the source of student information leakage and to tighten up the security of the said University. However, several factors have been pointing out that no matter how strict, reliable and confidential the files are and those who are in charge of it, vulnerable cyber security could always be the cause of vital information leakage. This is also the reason why IT solutions Teskostudio is in demand to help out in tightening the security of their cyber security by top IT company Toronto.

Vulnerable cyber security is pointed out to be the main reason why student’s identity at Toronto University is at risk for Fraud and Theft. This said information was proven to be true by an online security agency after several tests have been conducted. This finding will also serve as a reminder to other local schools to update their software and make use of modern technology to heighten up the security of the data. Though this report sounds alarming, Toronto University have already upgraded their software security and assures students that there is nothing that they should worry about.

The report of weak school data security have also spread awareness to every local schools and universities to never underestimate the power of technology and what hackers can do to their school data files. An outdated computer software can already catch in malware which is an excellent root cause of bringing in more virus to the data stream which is very harmful to the stored files. Apart from that, malware is also a good reason for hackers to easily hack credit card and other banking information giving you no information to trace at all.

Amongst the most common and exposed individuals who are prone to become a victim of this are those students who are using their university computers for e-commerce. Hence, one of the possible answer to this problem is by limiting file network sharing within their respective campus to also limit the introduction of malware into their system.

Several universities in Toronto already have created their individual strategies on how to minimize and combat such threat. It is not just a simple problem but considered as a harmful threat which will not just put the students safety and security into harm but can also stain the name of the University where a student is a potential victim.

It is also given that the larger the school is, the better the potential it is to be hacked. That is why experts have identified several ways on how to prevent such threat, which could be possible by limiting intercampus network sharing and updating an outdated software to clean up their system and to prevent the accumulation of malware.

In line with this, Toronto University with the help of cyber security experts have been doing their best to address such threat and to generate much secured and safe online computer systems. This is not just to bring back the trust of their students with their personal identity but to also promote a holistic and safe community.